Antarctica Speed Record - Start of Day 30 AM - The Final Day

Morning guys. I’m in my tent about to set off shortly for my final day in Antarctica. I’ve done 2 really long days as I am not moving as efficiently with my ski’s, hence why I didn’t blog last night. I’m totally shattered but okay. Yesterday I skied for 13 hours and covered 37.5km. Not really excited at the moment, will get excited when I am back at Union Glacier with a can of coke!
I have 40.4km/25 miles left to ski today to get to the pole. Should take me somewhere between 9 and 16 hours from now. Speak to you later from the Pole.
Thanks for all your messages of support. They mean the world to me. Rich.
S89°36’4”, W053°37’50”
Altitude: 2706m
Hours skied: 13
Distance skied: 31.4km/19 miles
Total hours skied: 350.6
Total distance travelled: 1089km/676 miles
Estimated distance to go based on K’s skied: 61km/37 miles
Estimated distance to go according to GPS position/route: 40.4km/25 miles
Expedition started at 7am Chilean time (10am UK time) on 5th December 2013. Projected finish time: Late pm 3rd January/early hours 4th January 2014.