Admiral staff go all out for Richard and Marie Curie Cancer Care

Admiral, a 737 Challenge sponsor have been supporting Richard in his quest to raise £1m in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care and recently raffled a signed Shane Williams shirt donating all the proceeds towards Richard’s target.

The lucky winner of Shane’s shirt was Stef Thomas who works in Admiral’s Swansea claims office.  In total the raffle raised £2,139.

Staff were able to buy raffle tickets to be eligible to win the shirt, costing £3 for one and £5 for two (there was a maximum of two tickets per person) and 447 people bought tickets.  The winner was announced on Admiral’s in-house TV channel, Admiral TV, with Admiral CEO Henry Engelhardt picking Stef’s name out of the hat.

Richard stated; “I'm very proud of my relationship Admiral and grateful for their incredible support. The Admiral team are always thinking of ways in which they can help me reach my target in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care.  It’s fantastic to be able to share my 737 Challenge with all the Admiral staff, everyone is so passionate and enthusiastic about the 737 Challenge and helping Marie Curie.”.

Admiral have now raised over £6,500 for Richard Parks’ 737 Challenge which is aiming to raise £1m in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care and will continue their fundraising as Richard prepares to speak at their Staff General meetings on April 17th.

Congrats to Stef the lucky winner and a massive thank you to Shane Williams for donating his shirt and to everyone at Admiral for their continued support of Richard Parks’ 737 Challenge and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Pic: Stef Thomas, the winner of Shane's shirt.